Open Source

Sharing is Freedom, Engineering is Reason and Mistakes are Progress



Open Source FAT12 File System Stacks
Microchip Small File system and not recommended for new designs that connect to a PC.
FatFS Small File system and not recommended for new designs that connect to a PC.


Open Source FAT16 File System Stacks
Microchip The Microchip file system stack is a good stack but has many limitations. The stack will allow you to open multiple files and integrates easy. It lacks in that it will not allow you to open multiple drives at once, meaning you cannot open a file on a SD card and copy it to the USB drive. Also this does not support Long File Names so your stuck to the DOS 8.3 file name.
FatFS The FatFS file system stack is a good stack that supports multiple drives and multiple files. This stack was just recently updated providing re-entrancy and Long File Names.  We are very excited to post this project on our site. Will work on 8, 16 or 32 bit processors.


Open Source FAT32 File System Stacks
Microchip The Microchip file system stack is a good stack but has many limitations. The stack will allow you to open multiple files and integrates easy. It lacks in that it will not allow you to open multiple drives at once, meaning you cannot open a file on a SD card and copy it to the USB drive. Also this does not support Long File Names so your stuck to the DOS 8.3 file name.
FatFS The FatFS file system stack is a good stack that supports multiple drives and multiple files. This stack was just recently updated providing re-entrancy and Long File Names.  We are very excited to post this project on our site. Will work on 8, 16 or 32 bit processors.